Sunday, November 9, 2014

Thing 1: Blogging

It feels good to be back! I believe that it has been over a year since my last "Cool Tools" class. I am anxious and excited to see what new things we will get to discover in levels 2 &3. I have learned so much from the last two classes. If it wasn't for "Cool Tools" I still wouldn't be tweeting yet and I certainly wouldn't have the wealth of ideas and resources that I have acquired on Scoopit! That's why I decided to venture into another class. For those that are new to the class, you are going to love it. My best advice is to stay the course and stay on top of the "things". You will feel so accomplished when you are done and have many great tools and ideas.

Now, a little about myself. I am an elementary librarian at Lake George Elementary School. I have been working at LG for the past 4 years and I feel so fortunate to be able to work where I do. The school district is very supportive of the library program, and teachers for the most part a very good about collaborating with me. I am also very fortunate to work in a district that not only supports technology, but one that is looking to stay on the forefront of technology. By next year, our school will be completely one to one. This has created a nice leadership opportunity for me and a chance to help develop integrated curriculum opportunities. 

I am hoping that this session of "Cool Tools" will give me further ideas for supporting our schools initiatives. I am already thinking about how I have blogged for this class and for PD that I have provided for teachers, but I need to expand and get our students blogging. As mentioned earlier, I have taken this class before and I used Blogger, and the reason I chose to use it again is because we use Gmail at our school and one of our apps is now Blogger. It would be so simple for our students to utilize this app as well. So before our next assignment I am going to be looking for opportunities to integrate this into either Readers or Writers Workshop at our school. I will be sure to post about how I utilized and share any feedback with everyone. 

In the meantime, I look forward to reading other posts. Have fun everyone! 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! And so glad you've found the PD useful! Makes my day when I hear that! :)
